System Security and Usable Security
Digitization covering more and more areas of life is continuously on the rise. The department Secure Systems Engineering offers developing and implementing secure and usable IT systems to all of its customers.
Our considerations cover the entire product lifecycle: we identify necessary security and data protection measures early on during the conception phase, support the implementation in a feasible manner during the development process, and also maintain and adapt them during active use, always in line with emerging product requirements while complying with best practice standards. Our portfolio also includes support in certification in accordance with established process models such as the ISO/IEC 27000 family, IT-Grundschutz or Common Criteria.
Our research department draws on experience from numerous research and development projects: Quantum computer-resistant algorithms ensure future proof cryptographic systems. Modern cryptographic processes and protocols guarantee that all requirements regarding information security and data protection are implemented properly. The early involvement of various stakeholders ensures that the implemented security measures can be used by everyone.